Tuesday, August 9, 2016

39 weeks + 5 days: he's here!

My husband and I went to bed around 2am and I noticed that Braxton Hicks had started up just moments before while we were watching Netflix. I decided to just go ahead and wake up at 5am because the Braxton Hicks were bothering me. I took hot bath but that didn't ease up the contractions. We had a visit a the local community health center and I felt contractions getting a little stronger during the 20 minute walk there.

The good thing is, we prepared some hospital bags and took them along with us...just in case. Well, my water just popped! while being attended to at the service desk!

We called a taxi and I could feel my water just gushing out during the brisk drive to the hospital. Another good thing was that I had put on an overnight maxi pad this morning before we left...just in case ;-)

We got registered and first sent to Triage where a nurse checked to see if I was dilated. I was 3 cm and contractions were getting a little stronger. We moved to a labor and delivery room. I went up to 5cm. The contractions were so strong that I cried! Then came the epidural man and the petocin. And I was in heaven. I advanced to 9 cm by ~12pm...without really feeling any of the contractions and started pushing at 12:20p.m.

Maxypoo was born at 12:45pm weighing 8lbs 2 oz and stretching out 21 inches long.

Unfortunately because my daughter was underage sge couldn't witness the birth and since hubby was the only person to look after her, they both missed out on the pushing. They were brought back in after he was all cleaned up and it was really a wonderful feeling to watch them come in and see the new addition to our family. I cried so many tears of joy.

I never saw my husband so happy. And Tori was thrilled.

I did 30 minutes of skin to skin contact with MaxyPoo and then tried to breastfeed but without much success. Actually, I tried at each feeding but still had trouble so he's being fed on formula until I csn get my breastfeeding issue resolved...hopefully soon...

The staff have been really really great here. And we'll be here 48 hours (from the time of Maxypoo's birth)...until Thursday until ~1pm.

The epidural came out right after birth but my right leg is still a bit numb. And I couldn't pee at all after the birth but now can pass urine without use of a catheter.

Maxypoo is eating every 3-4 hours and drinking about 12-18ml each feeding. He fed at ~10am so next feeding is 2am.

I'll try to get some sleep until then.

And, also kids cannot spend the night so my daughter and husband went home a while ago. They return tomorrow before noon.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

39 weeks + 2 days

I've been experiencing some cramping and pains in my lower abdomen. A couple times a day I feel stronger contractions but nothing regular. My bum has been hurting and I couldn't pass any stools yesterday. I wonder if it's a good idea to take some magnesium pills...? I still get puffy hands and feet after meals. Maxwell moved a lot yesterday and at night, like now.

Other than this, no progress it seems, so I'm not sure if this will be the week he comes or not.

Thinking about dates, it would be cool if he was born on 8/8/16...get it? :)

...5 days away from my due date. When are you coming out of there, MaxyPoo? :-)

Update (4:30am): Had a BM. Felt the urge to go just after my post.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

39 weeks tomorrow

Having BM everyday now. I heard that it could be a sign of the body making extra room for the baby to make its move out.

I'm still waiting for some real progress. So far, no loss of the mucus plug and no regular contractions. Although I can feel pings and pains down there...possibly a bit more dilation or effacement.

Could be just a week or less now. Oh, MaxyPoo, we cannot wait to meet you and welcome you into a family who will always love you. <3 You will bring joy to our lives, I just know it.