Tuesday, August 9, 2016

39 weeks + 5 days: he's here!

My husband and I went to bed around 2am and I noticed that Braxton Hicks had started up just moments before while we were watching Netflix. I decided to just go ahead and wake up at 5am because the Braxton Hicks were bothering me. I took hot bath but that didn't ease up the contractions. We had a visit a the local community health center and I felt contractions getting a little stronger during the 20 minute walk there.

The good thing is, we prepared some hospital bags and took them along with us...just in case. Well, my water just popped! while being attended to at the service desk!

We called a taxi and I could feel my water just gushing out during the brisk drive to the hospital. Another good thing was that I had put on an overnight maxi pad this morning before we left...just in case ;-)

We got registered and first sent to Triage where a nurse checked to see if I was dilated. I was 3 cm and contractions were getting a little stronger. We moved to a labor and delivery room. I went up to 5cm. The contractions were so strong that I cried! Then came the epidural man and the petocin. And I was in heaven. I advanced to 9 cm by ~12pm...without really feeling any of the contractions and started pushing at 12:20p.m.

Maxypoo was born at 12:45pm weighing 8lbs 2 oz and stretching out 21 inches long.

Unfortunately because my daughter was underage sge couldn't witness the birth and since hubby was the only person to look after her, they both missed out on the pushing. They were brought back in after he was all cleaned up and it was really a wonderful feeling to watch them come in and see the new addition to our family. I cried so many tears of joy.

I never saw my husband so happy. And Tori was thrilled.

I did 30 minutes of skin to skin contact with MaxyPoo and then tried to breastfeed but without much success. Actually, I tried at each feeding but still had trouble so he's being fed on formula until I csn get my breastfeeding issue resolved...hopefully soon...

The staff have been really really great here. And we'll be here 48 hours (from the time of Maxypoo's birth)...until Thursday until ~1pm.

The epidural came out right after birth but my right leg is still a bit numb. And I couldn't pee at all after the birth but now can pass urine without use of a catheter.

Maxypoo is eating every 3-4 hours and drinking about 12-18ml each feeding. He fed at ~10am so next feeding is 2am.

I'll try to get some sleep until then.

And, also kids cannot spend the night so my daughter and husband went home a while ago. They return tomorrow before noon.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

39 weeks + 2 days

I've been experiencing some cramping and pains in my lower abdomen. A couple times a day I feel stronger contractions but nothing regular. My bum has been hurting and I couldn't pass any stools yesterday. I wonder if it's a good idea to take some magnesium pills...? I still get puffy hands and feet after meals. Maxwell moved a lot yesterday and at night, like now.

Other than this, no progress it seems, so I'm not sure if this will be the week he comes or not.

Thinking about dates, it would be cool if he was born on 8/8/16...get it? :)

...5 days away from my due date. When are you coming out of there, MaxyPoo? :-)

Update (4:30am): Had a BM. Felt the urge to go just after my post.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

39 weeks tomorrow

Having BM everyday now. I heard that it could be a sign of the body making extra room for the baby to make its move out.

I'm still waiting for some real progress. So far, no loss of the mucus plug and no regular contractions. Although I can feel pings and pains down there...possibly a bit more dilation or effacement.

Could be just a week or less now. Oh, MaxyPoo, we cannot wait to meet you and welcome you into a family who will always love you. <3 You will bring joy to our lives, I just know it.

Friday, July 29, 2016

38 weeks + 1 day

I couldn't sleep well at all last night. It was so hot without A/C but so cold with it. My butt went numb often and it was uncomfortable sharing the bed because I really needed to stretch my legs in different directions.

I think this is why I have been so cranky lately...

My legs feel sore and last night after dinner my hands and feet started to feel so tight, probably because of the salt content in the food. My hands still feel a bit tight.

One good thing is that its nice to feel MaxyPoo move more in the early morning. He get the hiccups all the time.

I was reading my pregnancy journal from Victoria's time in the womb and it seems I experienced 4-5 strong "Braxton Hicks" every hour for about half the day before I lost my mucous plug. And about 5 or 6 hours after that, my water broke. 12 hours later she was born. I wonder how it will be this time? She was born right at 40 weeks...but then again, her due date was changed a couple of times. Can't remember her original due date...was it July 18th..??? Hmm.

Anyways, Maxwell's due date is 8/11 but I just don't want to endure two more weeks of this. It's nice if he's born in July. There weren't many contractions or BHs yesterday or last night. As painful as the contractions will get, I'm ready to get this over with.

...Come on, MaxyPoo...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

38 weeks today :-)

Due to high costs, we decided to cancel care at the doctor we visited last week. We plan to just go in to the hospital and see and on-call doctor when labor intensifies or my water breaks and hopefully paying just one hospital instead of a private doctor AND a hospital will be more affordable for us.

So, I'm 38 weeks today. I can feel more Braxton Hicks -- definitely increased. MaxyPoo moves more in the late night and early mornings. I've been having happy dreams of giving birth to Maxwell. last night, I dreamed that he was already ready to just pop out when I laid on the hospital bed. I fell asleep in my dream and when I woke up he had been born, haha.

This morning when I woke up I could feel the baby pressing down so much during contractions that if felt like I could pee.

Also, (TMI)...it's been a lot easier to poo the past week and a half.

We watched a couple of videos on the signs of labor.

So far I've experienced lightning, or the baby "dropping"and dilation. I wonder...Could this be my last week of being pregnant? I'm gonna miss it though when MaxyPoo makes his grand exit from my womb...It's just been he and I all this time. For the past 9 months I've never been alone. It's bittersweet because, of course, we all cannot wait to meet him <3

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of days...at the appointment we had last week, the doctor said I was measuring 39 weeks. So does that mean I could be measuring at 40 weeks by now? Somehow, I'm hoping he's born on 7/30...which would mean I'd go into labor possibly tomorrow!

Well, we'll see :-)

Meanwhile, I still need to pack my hospital bag and wash the baby clothes.

I'm planning to write daily from this point until it's time to go and deliver Maxwell.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

36 weeks + 6 days

So, we had our first prenatal appt. since arriving in the States and the office staff and doctor seems really nice.

It wasn't too long of an appt. I gve her my records from Japan. And she did a Group B Strep Test with a long q-tip in my vagina and swabbed my backside. She measured my belly and said I was measuring 39 weeks, rather on the large side...and she did a vaginal check and said I was 1 cm dilated with still a very long cervix.

Actually since the appt. Maxypoo has been very active and today my belly feels more heavier.

Monday, July 18, 2016

36 weeks + 3 days

We moved to the States and arrived June 25th. We'll have our first OBGYN appt. tomorrow July 19th at 1pm.  I'm not sure exactly what I'll find out about the baby since it is the first visit

My stomach is definitely a lot bigger than it was since my last entry. I get tired pretty easily when I try to get up and get some work done, like washing dishes, etc.

Moving to the States from Japan, there is definitely a change in my diet...more sugars I'm sure...bread, sweets, snacks...I really miss Japan foods...

Maxwell is still moving around sometimes but still not as active as when he was smaller with more room in there.

Yesterday, we finally we able to order some things for him, a few clothes items, bassinet, car seat, stroller, etc.

Just a few more weeks (or less!) until he's here!

Monday, June 20, 2016

32 weeks + 5 days

Yesterday was MaxyPoo's last appointment in Japan. His weight was recorded at 1997 grams, or 4.4 pounds. That's a little over 1 pound increase from the last doctor's visit. He's still head down and growing well. The doctor also checked to make sure I was not dilated at all since we'll travel back to the States soon. All looked fine so we're good for travel!

The doctor also gave some interesting tips. He told us that I should try to exercise my lower body when we get to the States. The uterus is a big muscle that doesn't get much exercise so working it out by doing lower body exercises, taking warm baths and foot soaks can help soften and stretch the muscles, making delivery a little easier. I'm definite going to try to do this. And he said when I sit I should let my stomach hang over instead of support my belly on my legs. Exercise and this will help the baby shift downward more naturally and easily for birth.

I thought Maxwell's movements had slowed down a bit these past couple of weeks but the other day it felt like he wouldn't stop. I guess sometimes babies are really active in there and sometimes they just take it easy.

My weight gain went up a bit. I'm at 72 kg, or 158 lbs. And that's a 4 lb. increase from my last doctor's visit.

Well, now we have to find a new doctor in the States. So, that appointment will hopefully be in two weeks, perhaps July 5th...

Monday, June 13, 2016

31 weeks + 5 days

Last night was the worst night so far for me trying to get a decent night's sleep. I wasn't comfortable for most of the night and my anxiety was pretty high. For the past several days I've been feeling a stretchy pain under my belly on and off, here and there...including right now. It doesn't hurt so bad but it's enough to make me rub at it...

I get swollen feet easily if I just sit at the kitchen table and don't prop them up for a while. And my tummy feels heavier. Although its easier to lay on my left or right side these days than when I was in my first and second trimester, it feels uncomfortable because it feels like the baby is getting squished so I resort to just sleeping in a leaning sit up position on propped up pillows and blankets. But my butt feels numb or I slide a bit so it takes most of the night just getting comfortable enough to stay asleep.

I'm getting stretch marks a lot faster these days...I can see some red marks and they're a little itchy. I was managing well with my cream but I think I should apply it more often instead of just after showers...

I had  really good workout yesterday. I did about 20 minutes of my pregnancy workout video and I also used 4 of my Just Dance videos as a workout too. I was able to finish without being too tired either! But I also tried not to push myself too hard either.

I was able to drink a lot of water yesterday and...finally could poop after almost 4 days of constipation. I've taken magnesium pills yesterday and the day before. I am hoping to have a Great Release someday soon...

The next doctor's appointment is in 6 days. I'll be 32 weeks + 4 days then. I am hoping the Maxwell is still growing on target, still head down and that there in absolutely no dilation down there. I also hope that my weight gain is not much higher than the last visit.

Well, until next time!

Monday, June 6, 2016

30 weeks 4 days: Doctor's Appointment

In the 30th week!
My feet have been a lot less swollen this past week. But my stomach feels heavier than I tried to express in my last post. I'm still sleeping in a leaning/sit-up position when I go to bed. But somehow, I can manage a few hours laying on my left side. So I alternate between those two positions.

As for my diet, about the same as usual with the exception of added breads, sweets, and pasta...

So, about today's appointment... MaxyPoo is measuring on track. His head size put his EDD around August 5th and his femur measurement put him around the end of July. His organs are are developing well still and he is still head down. The doctor said he'll most likely stay in this position until birth. His weight is 1648g...about 3.6 lbs. His body, cheeks, etc, appear more chubby and strong. We could see him blinking a little and yawning and moving his mouth. It was so cute!

As for me, my weigh is currently at 70kg or 154lbs. And my belly is now about 113cm around. I've been trying to do my workout dances but I'm definitely having some balance control issues. I'll try each day and update how it's been going in the next post.

Next appointment will be in 2 weeks. I'll be 32 weeks + 4 days. Because we're hoping to go to the States soon, the next appointment might hopefully be our last one here in Japan. If that's the case, the doctor will make a careful observation during the next ultrasound and also check to make sure there is no dilation. And hopefully we can also get a doctor's note to confirm that it will be OK for us to take a flight home. Here's hoping!!!!!!!

Well, until then!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

29 weeks 5 days

This week I have been experiencing swelling of the feet and ankles and from today I noticed that my ring doesn't come off of my finger very easily. My stomach feels noticeably heavy and MaxyPoo is back to moving all the time, haha. Sometimes, I think "Ok, ok, calm down." But the bigger part of me finds his kicking very reassuring that he is growing well inside my womb. :-)

From today, hubby moved the bed to arrange a better sleeping position. Now I use the wall as a headboard and pile up pillows and blankets and lean back on them so it feels more like I'm laying in a raised hospital bed--was quite comfy. When I tried it out, I fell asleep for 2 hours!

As for my diet, I still love water (now with ice!) and vegetables.

My tummy is so sore underneath, it's tender to the touch. It's extra sensitive when I'm rubbing my body lotion there.

I'm very happy to be 30 weeks this Thursday. And just 6 days until the next appointment!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

28 weeks 5 days

28 weeks but almost 29!

We had another appt. yesterday. The baby is still doing very well. The doctor checked the baby's organs again and his lungs, heart, and stomach seems to be developing fine. And he's still head down for now...His weight was recorded at 1310kg or about 2.8lbs! Almost a 1 lb. increase in 2 weeks. I measured the area around my belly...110cm around now. My weight is 68.4kg now...150 lbs. So I also gained just one pound since the last appointment...seems the weight gain was just from the baby :-)

It's nice to be in the 3rd trimester. The tightness in my hands, feet, and ankles subsided mostly for now. But my belly feels so tight and at times it feels like my skin has stretched so thin that it could tear...feels really sensitive to the touch of my clothes. I'm consuming a lot more watery foods like cucumber, watermelon, celery, tomato, melon....and water.

I had a dream about our Maxwell the other night! I was breastfeeding him and he was doing really well with it and I was producing a lot of milk for him. I hope it's a good sign. And he looked so cute and was obedient...I wonder what he'll really look like when he's born... :)

I still have a bit more energy these days and try to clean something, do laundry, walk around, and be more active.

Next appointment is in 13 days. I will be 30 weeks. Here's hoping it comes quickly. Can't wait to see him again.

Friday, May 13, 2016

27 weeks +1 day Symptoms and Appointment Update

The last appointment was 4 days ago. The baby is doing well. His lungs are developing and all features are in normal places. And he's head down for now :-) His weight was recorded at 1010kg or about 2.2lbs! I measured the area around my belly...105cm around! My weight is 67.6kg or 149lbs. I was about 132lbs in the beginning so, that's 17 lbs gained.

Now I'm in my 27th week. Almost to the 3rd trimester. I'm starting to feel a tightness in my hands, feet, and ankles these days. I think the swelling is starting. Today alone, I've had already more than 6 glasses of water. This is good for the baby and me.

I daydream a lot about little Maxwell and what he might look like, if he'll be an active or quiet baby, and what things to be sure to prepare for his arrival.

This past week, I have increased my consumption of breads and sugars (muffins, cake, ice cream, snacks, etc..) but i think I better be careful...the tests for the gestational diabetes came back all negative so I think I ate out of excitement but its time to get back to increasing veggies, tofu, and water, water, water.

I still have a bit more energy these days and try to some dance exercise if I can bear it. I've been using the Just Dance game stages on YouTube and following about 3 or 4 of them for a nice workout.

Also...thinking about how Victoria will be as a big sister. I am excited to watch them grow together!

Next appointment is in 10 days. I'll be 28 weeks + 4 days. See you then, MaxyPoo ♥

Thursday, May 5, 2016

26 weeks today

Doctor's appointment is in 4 days but I thought I'd post about what's been going these days and what's been continuing since the last post.

26 weeks today...time still seems to tick by slowly in my opinion.

We finally decided on a middle name, "Owen". Now the name game is finally finished.

He is still VERY active in the womb and I'm still getting some Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then.  Something that has been happening more frequently since the last week or so is the '"gas hills", lol. My abdomen gets filled with gas and starts making tall pockets clustering together...it's weird I know. I'll try to get a pic one of the next times it happens. There are usually like 5 weird-shaped gas hills rising on my stomach when I get too gassy......

Going to the bathroom has still been asier lately. And I pass stools more often and easily than earlier weeks.

My energy has kicked up a bit these past couple of weeks. I cook more, clean more, taking more walks, and doing some dance workouts, too.

Thinking about labor and delivery more these days...I really want to try to delivery naturally and I want to proactively pursue breastfeeding, even if it's tough for the first few months. I hope I can do it.

Well, 14 weeks to go.....oh boy...

Friday, April 22, 2016

24 weeks and 1 day

It's official...our little Maxwell is definitely a boy! He is doing well in there and we could see some details of his face on the ultrasound.  Now, I'm even more excited to look at clothes and nursery room decor, etc.! Next appointment is in 2 weeks and I'll be 26 weeks then.

He is very active in the womb these days. My belly feels a lot heavier and I often get Braxton Hicks contractions several times a day. I can see more appearances of stretch marks but not so itchy since I moisturize my belly most everyday.

With more so the strict yet helpful guidance of my husband, I consume less bread, potato, and sugar, etc. I try to get in a lot of veggies mostly with meat and some fruit...and water.

Some days I'm drinking a lot of water and some days, like today, not so much.

Going to the bathroom has been...easier lately. And I pass stools more often and easily than earlier weeks.

No strange cravings yet. But I dislike the smell of the old dish detergent still and my urine still most always smells funny, even though there's no infection...it's been that way since the start of this pregnancy.

I feel the weeks are still ticking by quite slowly...

I can't wait until 30 weeks...because naturally I'll feel like the due date is so much more closer...like we're at the home stretch. Well, 6 more weeks... until that feeling at least.

I'm rotating between 3 or four outfits and my options for nightwear are about the same.

Oh...stats for the baby and me...almost forgot!

The baby weighs 606 grams or 1.3 lbs.
The estimated due date is about the same for now.
The baby's heart rate was 156 bpm (beats per minute).
I weigh 146 lbs...a total weight gain of about 12lbs since the start of the pregnancy.

With Victoria my total weight gain was 46 lbs (~122lbs starting out, 168 in the final few weeks). I was down to 140 and then finally after a while about 134 after the pregnancy. So...Hopefully the total weight gain won't turn out so bad this time around.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

22 weeks tomorrow

Somehow with this pregnancy, time seems to tick on slowly. I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow--wish I were 32 weeks instead. I have a lot of difficulty with bowel movements. So, I'm decreasing my meat intake and increasing the fruits and veggies. Maybe that will help....I took 6 Magnesia pills almost 24 hours ago but so far it has barely helped my situation.

My tummy is definitely out there. I'm not sure if the extra bloatedness is adding to my pregnancy look. In any case, I actually like how visible my baby bump is :)

The next appointment is still 2 weeks away. But I think I'm going to request that the doctor takes more clear pictures of the baby. Our ultrasounds have been so blurry. They're much better quality in the States.

Monday, March 28, 2016

20weeks4days - Lots of Movements!

Since yesterday, little Maxwell is very very active! He makes strong jabs like a cat, haha. We can see his jabs from the outside...sometimes without lifting my shirt up.

We had a doctors appt. Friday but we didnt really learn anything new. We did record the ultrasound via USB! :)

I wish I could start shopping for him! We're thinking of starting a baby registry online.

Oh, I gained about 9 lbs between the 16 week appt and the 20 week appt....I didn't even know!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

18 weeks 3 days - A Good Dream!

I had a dream I had the baby and what he looked like. Oh, he was so cute! And so smart! He started talking on his first day in the world. Hubby, Tori, and I just couldn't get over him. In my dream, I wanted to breastfeed right away but had trouble remembering to feed him.

He was such a good baby in the dream. He was active, rolling from his stomach to his back and responding well when we called out, ''Maxwell!''

I hope I have more dreams about you  my little MaxyPoo. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

17 weeks 6 days

Starting yesterday I started to feel the baby kick more! I mean really kick. We could even see him kicking by just watching my belly! It was so cool!

So it looks like we're going with the name Maxwell ☺ Victoria started referring to the baby as ''Maxwell'' right away! ...still working on a middle name though.

I'll be18 weeks tomorrow... almost at the halfway point. Really trying to eat healthier these days. I've been so constipated but gradually there's been small successess. And this morning, there was a good release, haha.

We'll see the doctor again in week 19. Hopefully the doctor can see more certainly that the baby is a boy.

We cannot wait to meet you, smart little baby.

Sending so much love to you in there from your big sister, your daddy,  and me. ❤

Saturday, February 27, 2016

16 weeks 2 days: Update...including New Doctor + Gender Reveal


So, we went with the name Monami Clementine instead of Kaede...but then, according to our recent ultrasounds, looks like we won't be needing a girls name anyway. Two different doctors said it looks like a boy! Told Victoria the news...she was so excited!!

Because the doctor we had was too far we had our last appt. Thursday and transferred to Nakano Ladies Clinic the next day. It's busier but cleaner, more professional, and ....we got freebies!

The doctor used the baby's head measurements to check growth and he was measuring at 16w5 days at 16 weeks and 1 day.

It seems I have gestational diabetes again and have to follow a diet plan with less sugar intake.

My belly is noticeable now. And I can feel a few pokes here and there throughout the day. At 15 weeks it was still a little hard to tell what was gas and what was baby. But now I can tell. Hubby can't feel from the outside just yet.

My pelvic area still hurts and its hard to turn in the bed. I try to keep a pillow between my legs most nights.

Urine still has a strange smell. I'm trying some cranberry pills but I'm not sure if they're working or not

Maybe for a week now most nausea and vomiting has subsided....still not a fan of dish detergent though so hubby still washes the dishes.

Bought/wearing some maternity wear...bras, panties, and sometimes pants.

Oh, I have stretch marks on my tummy! I didn't even notice them coming in. I can usually feel them itching in but these days I use a body cream after my showers so maybe my tummy has been so moisturized that I couldn't tell they were coming in.....?

Friday, February 12, 2016

14 weeks 1 day...a name idea

Today we came up with a name if the baby's a girl: Kaede Clementine. We both like it. Now, i'm kind of hoping its a girl so we can stick with that name. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

13 weeks 6 days

My pelvic bone area is causing me pain these days. It's hard to get out of bed, sit up in bed, and stand up normally. I find that I can't drink milk before sleeping or i vomit it up.

My uterus feels a little bigger. I can feel the fundus near my belly button and if i exhale while  laying on my back, i can usually see where my uterus is--- usually  on the right side.

Still no kicking, pokes, or flutters...but i hope soon.

My chin is starting to get these red slightly itchy spots. And  my urine still smells so bad a lot of times.

We've x'ed the name Yujin. Still thinking.

Bought maternity wear---a dress and pair of pants.

Victoria is expressing how happy she is to become a big sister more these days. Hopefully we'll know the baby's gender at the next appointment at the end of February.

Monday, February 1, 2016

12 weeks and 5 days...Dr. Appointment Update

12 weeks 5 days

Yesterday we had our doctor's appt. at 12 weeks and 4 days. There was only urine analysis, weight check, and ultrasound. There was protein, sugar, and ketone found in the sample so the doctor will update what that means should some of these results repeat themselves at the 16 week visit. The doctor said my results could be due to my diet and skipping meals but he didn't explain this nor what ketones are well enough in English so I did my own research...

If you're suffering from severe nausea and vomiting or you've lost weight, your practitioner may check your urine for ketones. If your ketone reading is high and you can't keep any food or liquid down, you may need intravenous fluids and medication.If ketones are found in combination with sugar, it could be a sign of diabetes.

..So, I had gestational diabetes with m daughter. Looks like I'm going to have it again? I drink so much water already. And I thought my sugar intake was alright, too. I sure do hope I don't start fainting like I did with Victoria. My weight didn't change, still 130 after 4 weeks. As for the ultrasound, the baby definitely looked more like a baby this time! CRL was 6.44 cm or 2.5 inches, and heart rate was about 140. The doctor forgot how to find the heart rate with the machine, it made me so mad. So he calculated with the beats he heard in 15 seconds (35 beats) and multiplied by 4. There was a new measurement made called the BPD, biparietal diameter, which is the diameter across the developing baby's skull which was 2.1 cm or .87 inches.

The next visit will be at 16 weeks at the end of February. Instead of transvaginal, the ultrasound will be transabdominal. I'm hoping we can also find out the gender. Although, I've been having really strong feelings that it's a boy for a while now. We're thinking on a new name... Yujin...sounds just like "Eugene" but with a Japanese spelling to it...Hmm..???

Here are ultrasound pics:

I vomited in the shower last night and feeling nauseous since. I sure can't wait until the morning sickness phase ends. I'm still feeling my uterus hardening when I lay down throughout the day. No kicks or anything else though. My underwear is starting to get tight now so I'm going to looking into maternity wear soon.My gums bleed more easily these days....

Saturday, January 23, 2016

11 weeks 3 days, showing :)

This morning when I woke up I could feel my uterus pushing up against my lower tummy. I think it was the baby. Victoria did the same thing when I was 13 weeks with her!

I showed my sister my belly on Skype and she said Im definitely showing.

I took a look in the mirror and it looked so to me too.

Still drinking a lot of water. I dont really crave water when I'm not pregnant...Still get nauseous at the whiff of the sink, dish detergent, the floors(??!), some foods though, but finally pregnancy is starting to feel more real and enjoyable now that we can feel the uterus.

Found this online later today:

Body changes during 11th week of pregnancy

The uterus is now large enough to fill your entire pelvis while you may even be able to feel it in the lower abdomen area, just above the pubic bone [10]. Your hair may seem thicker and shinier while you may notice your nails growing at a faster pace than usual. These are some of the positive effects of the rising pregnancy hormone (progesterone) levels[11]. The hormones also increase the number of facial oil glands, which may lead to oily skin.

What does 11 weeks pregnant look like?

You may already have started to show a little, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. Women tend to start showing a bit earlier in their second pregnancies due to the already relaxed abdominal muscles 


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

11 weeks today

11 weeks

Starting my 10th week, I started to feel more pregnant, physically. My pelvic bone/area has been having a heaviness to it and sometimes it hurts a bit when I'm getting out of bed or just sitting on the sofa. When I went out a couple of days ago, I could feel a heaviness to my uterus while walking around at Kokubunji station.

I think my morning sickness/nauseousness is wearing down a bit since week 10. I still rest a lot as usual but the naps throughout the day have eased up a lot.

I don't feel any kicking yet, or flutters, or cruising motions.

I think I'm just starting to get a baby bump but its really hard to tell since I still have baby fat from Victoria. And I think anyone wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me yet that I'm pregnant.

Compared to the pregnancy with her, this one is going so SLOOOOOW.

We're not sure about the name Owen anymore....Well, if this is a boy, it's sure gonna be hard to come up with a name that we think can stick.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

9w3d - Doctor's Appt.


In the 9th week now. Progress is sloooooow but constant. We saw the baby and it actually looked more like a baby this time compared to the 7 week ultrasound! We saw the baby moving his arms and legs and body! We got the full report of the tests which were taken from the blood draw in week 8. So far, everything checked out well. There will be another blood draw in the 2nd trimester for other testing. We got lots of pictures of the baby this time! Here are a couple of them(!!!):

The doctor didn't check the heart rate this time but I asked him to check every time from the next visit onward and he said OK. Also, I asked about the blood test which reveals the baby's gender that can be done in the 1st trimester and he said he's never heard of it. I told him I'd bring him the information I had about it and if there is some way to administer the test here in Japan, he said he' look into it. Otherwise, we might not find out the gender until around 16 weeks...around February 25th. If we have to wait, that's find. I already think it's a boy. We're thinking about the name Owen.

How I'm feeling: Well I get morning sickness everyday and sometimes I can't eat because almost every idea for a meal sounds like a bad idea. I try to drink water often. But it often doesn't make me feel any better. I sleep a lot...more than I even want to and I'm always tired. I get mild cramping sometimes. I lost 1 kg, about 2 pounds.

Our next appointment is Monday, February 1st. Well, until then!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Doctor's Appointment



7 weeks 1 day!...A lot got done at today's appt.!

-Urine Analysis for protein, sugar, antibodies,etc.
-Weight check: 60kg  ((~132 lbs)with my clothes on!!)
-Pap Smear: cervical cancer, Chlamydia, Rubella, etc......
-Ultrasound: baby measured about 9mm, heart rate: 148bpm!! :) Corpus luteum still present but a little smaller.

Next appointment is in 2 weeks!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Vomiting, Nausea, and...Big Ones, etc.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm 7 weeks today, alright!! ^_^

On the 22nd, I vomited for the first time during the pregnancy. Nobody likes to vomit, I think, but its kind of reassuring to me to have these symptoms during the pregnancy because it helps me to really believe that everything is going well with our baby. I have nausea or morning sickness just about everyday. And yesterday I noticed that my boons are growing a lot bigger! They are heavy and fuller. My appetite has kicked up and some smells or tastes repulse me like foods which are too sweet or too salty, the smell of sweet Japanese wine, etc.

This is a pretty important week for baby's development so I want to be sure to get some exercise in, drink healthy fluids, and keep an optimistic mindset. The baby's brain is developing, liver is producing red blood cells, bone marrow is forming, the pancreas and appendix have grown in, and some blood vessels are forming which carries oxygen and nutrients to and from its body. Week 7 has been reported as the most common week for an MC if it will occur so I am nervously excited about passing through this week!
Our doctors appt. is tomorrow. Since going to the OBGYN in Japan is almost nothing like going in the States, I want to call the doctor today to request some tests, checks, and procedures be done, hopefully, starting from tomorrow or the following visit. Im hoping we can get a fetal heart rate, CRL (crown to rump length) of the baby, update on the cyst, weight check, and possible a script to get a blood draw to check for iron deficiency and other thinks US OBGYN usually check in early pregnancy. 

I sure can't wait until we are out of the first trimester, just before Valentine's Day. Then we can tell my husbands parents the good news!! This baby is going to be their first grandchild. So, I think they'll be really excited.

A pretty long entry this time. Now I'm all thirsty!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Officially feeling symptoms!


Since yesterday, I think I can say it's official...morning sickness and really sore boobs coming on strong! 6 weeks and 5 days today. Grow little baby, grow!! <3

Sunday, December 20, 2015



I wanted to wait a few days to be sure but now I'm certain I am having morning sickness, usually starting around breakfast time, and m boobs are getting bigger. They feel heavier and I can feel a little pain in I press on the sides just beneath my armpits. 6 weeks and 3 days today! Next appointment is in 5 days (I'll be 7 weeks and a day^_^).

Thursday, December 17, 2015

6-Week Appointment, Ultrasound, and Pregnancy Registration at the City Health Center


Today we  had our first appointment with Dr. Orito at his clinic in Toshima-ku. He is an English-speaking doctor and really nice. He took the time to explain things to us, such as procedures and what he's looking for during the ultrasound. And for the first time, we could see the baby and its flickering heart!! While we could see the heartbeat waves, the doctor said it was too early to get a clear detection of the baby's bpm (beats per minute), although we saw it flickering away! Should be able to see next week:)

So baby is doing OK! But the doctor did take note of a 3mm cyst on the right ovary which he told us should just be a corpus luteum cyst which is usually present during early pregnancy and then fades away or breaks down. I haven't had any bad pain so I hope it just goes away in time. According to the doctor, as long as it stays small, it won't affect the baby or me at all.

Moving right along...We got a print out of the baby! Can't see much of it here, but here he or she is!!!
Looks like there's just one. I'm thinking a boy...hmm. Baby's on the left...big cyst on the right :(

Our next appointment is...on Christmas day! Hopefully we can get a crown-to-rump length measurement :)

After the appointment we had lunch at a really nice Thai restaurant and afterwards did a little shopping! ^_^ Then, we headed back to Kodaira and headed to the city health center to officially register the pregnancy!

The woman who registered us was so nice. Her name is Betty-san but she's Japanese. She gave us all this great informative stuff!!!...and she was the first person to congratulate us on the baby :)

So, here's some of the stuff that we got...ooooh.
A breakdown of the different types of support mother can receive
during pregnancy and after birth (up to preschool age)

KIFA (Kodaira Int'l Friendship Association) Newsletter,
they offer services such as having a translator at doctors appointments, etc.

Tickets to receive discounted prenatal appointments!

Maternal and Child Health Handbook -English version

Dental Checkup registration - for after the 5th month
and before the 7th month of pregnancy

Hello Baby Class schedule & sign up - for after the 5th month

Notebook for Serious Health Concerns after Birth

Welcome insert

Handbook for PaPa

Child-raising guide for parents of Kodaira

Mother and Child Health Book - Supplementary Reader

Special Pregnancy badge
Gives you permission to hijack train seats!!
Haha, kidding.
If someone is sitting in a priority seat or regular seat,
wearing this badge on a bag, for example,
might encourage someone to give up their seat to an expecting mother.
It was really nice to experience this day with my husband who was excited and very supportive. I'm really grateful for that. See you again on Christmas day, our sweet little baby <3

Monday, December 14, 2015

Neck Pain, Symptoms and Baby Names


5 weeks and 5 days pregnant today :)

....Today is day 4 of neck pain!! It's not as bad as day 1 now, but on the first day I did take some medicine to help cope with the pain and I hope that it won't hurt the baby. At our next appointment this Thursday, I'll talk to the OBGYN about it and see if there are any medications which are safe to take during the pregnancy.

Symptoms this past week: mild cramping (although it doesn't occurs so frequently like before), increased CM, sometimes sore boobs.

Also my husband and I have started discussing some baby names. If it's a girl, we really like Mei.
We haven't really come up with boys names that we both equally like but I like the idea of the name starting with 'M' and ending in 'i' like our names.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Schedule First Appointment with New OBGYN!


After work today, I called Orito Clinic to schedule an appointment. It seems the receptionist who answered the phone couldn't speak English and the phone was handed over to the head honcho, Dr. Orito. "My name sounds Italian but it's Japanese" he commented later in the conversation. Nope, sounds Japanese to me, I wanted to say but didn't. He stuttered a lot but had a kindness to him that gave me the feeling he really wanted to take care of foreigner clients. He didn't rush me off the phone at all. He answered all of my questions thoroughly.

So, the appt. day and time will be Thursday, December 17th... one week from today. The cost of a first time appointment is 3300 yen (roughly 33 dollars) plus the cost of an ultrasound/pregnancy confirmation 5500 yen (roughly 55 dollars). He explained to me the reason they don't do urine testing as a pregnancy confirmation in Japan...It's because women have found out they are pregnant via home pregnancy test so they don't see the reason in doing what I've already done. Plus, he said, they can get a visual with an U/S, which is important (Thanks, Dr. Orito!). My weight will be checked at every visit. And I can decline to use the strange curtain in the exam room. He asked me what country I'm from and if I planned to deliver in Japan or in the States because that could change the type of care or tests he has me do. I'm really glad this doctor explained all of this to me. The female doctor at Parkside explained practically nothing. Anyways, I'll be 6 weeks at the next appointment. I wonder if we will be able to see the yolk sac, fetal pole, and or heartbeat??? And I'm so happy hubby will be there, too! ^_^

5 weeks pregnant today (from LMP)! Having some increased CM, tender boob moments, bloatedness, and mild cramping as usual. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Deciding on a New Clinic for Prenatal Care

So when hubby came home, I told him about my experience at Parkside today. After some research, he found an international clinic in Toshima, Tokyo. According to the website , the Japanese doctor speaks fluent English, French, and Chinese. It also seems he has spent some time in the US and his clinic just opened in January 2015. Costs here seem a LOT cheaper, too! And there are evening hours available for appointments (until 7:30pm ^_^). So, I'm going to call tomorrow to make an appointment for next week when I'm at my 6-week mark (according to LMP), Thursday, December 17th.

Monday, December 7, 2015

1st appointment at 4 weeks 5 days after LMP!

(JP time) 12/8/2015

Today I had my first appointment at Parkside Hiroo Ladies Clinc in Tokyo. I went alone since my husband couldn't take off work. I used both English and some Japanese to communicate with the staff there. It was my first time to see a Japanese OBGYN. The appointment went fairly quickly. I gave a urine sample and entered a small exam room with an electric chair that automatically puts you in the right postion for the ultrasound. I sat but refused the curtain they usually draw between the patient and examining doctor. And my legs were left open too long when they doctor left and the nurse was just staring at me so I think I'll take small lap blanket with me next time... It's kind of awkward to sit quietly without some kind of conversation with the doctor. She didn't ask about my diet, previous pregnancy, etc. Although she did tell me gestational sac was almost 3mm and that was ovaries looked fine. She didn't speak English so confidently, though. So, I hope my husband can accompany me next time and then maybe she can be more relaxed and easy going, even if its through speaking Japanese and not English. My husband can just translate to me. Anyways about our baby!!

The gestational sac was very, very small but visible :) And that's all that's visible in the 4th week, haha.I was scheduled for another appointment in one week. I hope we can at least see the yolk sac then. In Japan, it has been said that women are seen by the doctor more often in the beginning and less towards the end. I was really happy to get an ultrasound picture!!

The cost of the entire visit, even after presenting my insurance card, was 12000 yen! That's around 120 dollars, roughly. I don't really have 120 bucks to cough up every week for just an ultrasound picture..... :/

Anyways, its a nice looking clinic.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

4th day after BFP - It's My Birthday!

After a morning walk with my husband, I ate mabonasu (ground beef and eggplant stir-fry), rice, and caffeine-free tea for breakfast.

It seems the mild cramping always starts in the early am after I have woken up and moved around a bit, then baby goes to work. I'm still feeling it only on the right side and having some throbbing in my boobs.

It's my birthday today (as well as my triplet sisters)! So I'm happy to share this day with them and the little growing baby inside me :)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 3 after BFP :)

Writing as the thoughts come to me!

Today I made an appointment with PH Ladies Clinic here in Tokyo. There are English-speaking doctors there and they have an English website too. My appointment is Tuesday at noon, so in 3 days!! I'm so excited! It seems they'll take an ultrasound too

Since the day before my BFP I've had on and off mild cramping on my right side. And back-of-the-hip pain since the day before my BFP, too. I wonder if the pain is associated with the pregnancy.

The cramps somehow make me feel like everything is going well actually. Maybe I'd worry if I didn't feel anything going on in there. Today at work I felt something leak out down there. I thought maybe its a little bleeding but it was just CM. The boobs tingle with light pain sometimes and my body felt kind of blah after work. I took a rest then slept for about 4-5 hours.

My dreams have been more vivid since before my BFP.

TMI but when I have to make a bowel movement, I get scared if I have to push a bit hard.

My husband has been so supportive since he found out the great news. He made me a healthy lunch today and bought me an air filtration mask since there are a lot of smokers here in Japan.

I'm so excited for this first appointment. I'll receive most of my prenatal care here in Japan but we'll move to the States before the baby comes so I plan to deliver there. Prenatal vitamins don't seems to be so common here so we ordered some online. In the meantime, I try to eat foods with Folic Acid to help the baby's growth.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Second Day, Second BFP!

I couldn't keep quiet!! And I was having dreams my husband found out so at 4 something in the morning I turned over towards him in the bed and said, "We're pregnant." He woke right up and said "Really! Whaat!" o I said again, "We're are pregnant." He said again "Really!!" I realized I could see his face so I got up and turned on the light. He was happy about the news and I showed him the test. I told him how I wanted to wait until Christmas to tell him but couldn't keep this beautiful secret to myself :)

I'll never forget his soothing words: I'm happy and everything's gonna be alright.

After work I took a second HPT which also showed positive. So, I will try to call around to a few hospitals in Tokyo to find a good English-speaking OBGYN. I hope I can get appointment for this Tuesday since I'll be off work.

My husband and I took a walk early this morning, about 45 minutes, stopped to feed the fish and ducks, and I felt that was really good for the baby somehow. I drank bottled water and had a healthy lunch.

I don't know if this is a sign or not but my boobs felt a bit zingy today at work.

Still crampy but that's about it.

I'm praying that things progress well and the baby is always doing ok in there. According to my LMP, I'm 4 weeks now. Already seems to be going fast

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thank you, God! We're Pregnant! :)

I went out to pick up a few things from Daiso dollar store and the grocery store when I stopped in the pharmacy next door to pick up a test. When I got home I didn't have an urge to go to the bathroom but decided to give it a try anyways. With just a little but, the test read positive(!!!), a dark positive, right away!! I said a lot several times, "I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out, I'm totally freaking out!" Haha.

I went to my desk and wrote the date and time on the home pregnancy test. I tried to call my sister, Jamii, but there was no answer. So, I came here to start up a blog :D :D

My sister called on the Skype and I had my test up in front of the camera so the first thing she would see would be two pink lines!! And her eyes got so big, haha!

We talked on Skype for about an hour and a half and she congratulated me so many times.
My husband came home for a few minutes to pick something up during our call. So, I had to change the subject until he went back out. Since my head was on BFP mode, I had completely forgot about his Christmas present under the tree--exposed!! I went to the Daiso dollar store to get wrapping paper...to wrap the massage chair that was delivered today. So, he saw the chair--but just said I'll forget what I'll saw.

Well, I don't have any more money for another Christmas present for him but looks like I wont need one!! I'm going to wrap the test in a box and reveal the pregnancy to him on Christmas! I just hope I can keep quite (and not act so strange!!) until then!

I'm so happy!! So so so so so so so happy!!

So My LMP was November 5. I'm not sure when I ovulated but perhaps around November 22nd based on some research. I'm in JP So I took the test today December 3, 2015 at 6:43pm :D

I do feel some cramping. It was pretty heavy and contact yesterday.
I've been forgetful at work....perhaps its a sign or no...but I had trouble remember or recalling things at work...

Other than that, I don't feel pregnant at all. And didn't think twice about the cramping or forgetfulness before I got the BFP. So, I guess just assuming AF would show around my birthday, December 6th.

This is the best bday gift!!! Thank you, God! <3