Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Vomiting, Nausea, and...Big Ones, etc.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm 7 weeks today, alright!! ^_^

On the 22nd, I vomited for the first time during the pregnancy. Nobody likes to vomit, I think, but its kind of reassuring to me to have these symptoms during the pregnancy because it helps me to really believe that everything is going well with our baby. I have nausea or morning sickness just about everyday. And yesterday I noticed that my boons are growing a lot bigger! They are heavy and fuller. My appetite has kicked up and some smells or tastes repulse me like foods which are too sweet or too salty, the smell of sweet Japanese wine, etc.

This is a pretty important week for baby's development so I want to be sure to get some exercise in, drink healthy fluids, and keep an optimistic mindset. The baby's brain is developing, liver is producing red blood cells, bone marrow is forming, the pancreas and appendix have grown in, and some blood vessels are forming which carries oxygen and nutrients to and from its body. Week 7 has been reported as the most common week for an MC if it will occur so I am nervously excited about passing through this week!
Our doctors appt. is tomorrow. Since going to the OBGYN in Japan is almost nothing like going in the States, I want to call the doctor today to request some tests, checks, and procedures be done, hopefully, starting from tomorrow or the following visit. Im hoping we can get a fetal heart rate, CRL (crown to rump length) of the baby, update on the cyst, weight check, and possible a script to get a blood draw to check for iron deficiency and other thinks US OBGYN usually check in early pregnancy. 

I sure can't wait until we are out of the first trimester, just before Valentine's Day. Then we can tell my husbands parents the good news!! This baby is going to be their first grandchild. So, I think they'll be really excited.

A pretty long entry this time. Now I'm all thirsty!


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