Friday, July 29, 2016

38 weeks + 1 day

I couldn't sleep well at all last night. It was so hot without A/C but so cold with it. My butt went numb often and it was uncomfortable sharing the bed because I really needed to stretch my legs in different directions.

I think this is why I have been so cranky lately...

My legs feel sore and last night after dinner my hands and feet started to feel so tight, probably because of the salt content in the food. My hands still feel a bit tight.

One good thing is that its nice to feel MaxyPoo move more in the early morning. He get the hiccups all the time.

I was reading my pregnancy journal from Victoria's time in the womb and it seems I experienced 4-5 strong "Braxton Hicks" every hour for about half the day before I lost my mucous plug. And about 5 or 6 hours after that, my water broke. 12 hours later she was born. I wonder how it will be this time? She was born right at 40 weeks...but then again, her due date was changed a couple of times. Can't remember her original due date...was it July 18th..??? Hmm.

Anyways, Maxwell's due date is 8/11 but I just don't want to endure two more weeks of this. It's nice if he's born in July. There weren't many contractions or BHs yesterday or last night. As painful as the contractions will get, I'm ready to get this over with.

...Come on, MaxyPoo...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

38 weeks today :-)

Due to high costs, we decided to cancel care at the doctor we visited last week. We plan to just go in to the hospital and see and on-call doctor when labor intensifies or my water breaks and hopefully paying just one hospital instead of a private doctor AND a hospital will be more affordable for us.

So, I'm 38 weeks today. I can feel more Braxton Hicks -- definitely increased. MaxyPoo moves more in the late night and early mornings. I've been having happy dreams of giving birth to Maxwell. last night, I dreamed that he was already ready to just pop out when I laid on the hospital bed. I fell asleep in my dream and when I woke up he had been born, haha.

This morning when I woke up I could feel the baby pressing down so much during contractions that if felt like I could pee.

Also, (TMI)'s been a lot easier to poo the past week and a half.

We watched a couple of videos on the signs of labor.

So far I've experienced lightning, or the baby "dropping"and dilation. I wonder...Could this be my last week of being pregnant? I'm gonna miss it though when MaxyPoo makes his grand exit from my womb...It's just been he and I all this time. For the past 9 months I've never been alone. It's bittersweet because, of course, we all cannot wait to meet him <3

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of the appointment we had last week, the doctor said I was measuring 39 weeks. So does that mean I could be measuring at 40 weeks by now? Somehow, I'm hoping he's born on 7/30...which would mean I'd go into labor possibly tomorrow!

Well, we'll see :-)

Meanwhile, I still need to pack my hospital bag and wash the baby clothes.

I'm planning to write daily from this point until it's time to go and deliver Maxwell.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

36 weeks + 6 days

So, we had our first prenatal appt. since arriving in the States and the office staff and doctor seems really nice.

It wasn't too long of an appt. I gve her my records from Japan. And she did a Group B Strep Test with a long q-tip in my vagina and swabbed my backside. She measured my belly and said I was measuring 39 weeks, rather on the large side...and she did a vaginal check and said I was 1 cm dilated with still a very long cervix.

Actually since the appt. Maxypoo has been very active and today my belly feels more heavier.

Monday, July 18, 2016

36 weeks + 3 days

We moved to the States and arrived June 25th. We'll have our first OBGYN appt. tomorrow July 19th at 1pm.  I'm not sure exactly what I'll find out about the baby since it is the first visit

My stomach is definitely a lot bigger than it was since my last entry. I get tired pretty easily when I try to get up and get some work done, like washing dishes, etc.

Moving to the States from Japan, there is definitely a change in my diet...more sugars I'm sure...bread, sweets, snacks...I really miss Japan foods...

Maxwell is still moving around sometimes but still not as active as when he was smaller with more room in there.

Yesterday, we finally we able to order some things for him, a few clothes items, bassinet, car seat, stroller, etc.

Just a few more weeks (or less!) until he's here!