Thursday, July 28, 2016

38 weeks today :-)

Due to high costs, we decided to cancel care at the doctor we visited last week. We plan to just go in to the hospital and see and on-call doctor when labor intensifies or my water breaks and hopefully paying just one hospital instead of a private doctor AND a hospital will be more affordable for us.

So, I'm 38 weeks today. I can feel more Braxton Hicks -- definitely increased. MaxyPoo moves more in the late night and early mornings. I've been having happy dreams of giving birth to Maxwell. last night, I dreamed that he was already ready to just pop out when I laid on the hospital bed. I fell asleep in my dream and when I woke up he had been born, haha.

This morning when I woke up I could feel the baby pressing down so much during contractions that if felt like I could pee.

Also, (TMI)'s been a lot easier to poo the past week and a half.

We watched a couple of videos on the signs of labor.

So far I've experienced lightning, or the baby "dropping"and dilation. I wonder...Could this be my last week of being pregnant? I'm gonna miss it though when MaxyPoo makes his grand exit from my womb...It's just been he and I all this time. For the past 9 months I've never been alone. It's bittersweet because, of course, we all cannot wait to meet him <3

I'm wondering if it's just a matter of the appointment we had last week, the doctor said I was measuring 39 weeks. So does that mean I could be measuring at 40 weeks by now? Somehow, I'm hoping he's born on 7/30...which would mean I'd go into labor possibly tomorrow!

Well, we'll see :-)

Meanwhile, I still need to pack my hospital bag and wash the baby clothes.

I'm planning to write daily from this point until it's time to go and deliver Maxwell.


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