Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 3 after BFP :)

Writing as the thoughts come to me!

Today I made an appointment with PH Ladies Clinic here in Tokyo. There are English-speaking doctors there and they have an English website too. My appointment is Tuesday at noon, so in 3 days!! I'm so excited! It seems they'll take an ultrasound too

Since the day before my BFP I've had on and off mild cramping on my right side. And back-of-the-hip pain since the day before my BFP, too. I wonder if the pain is associated with the pregnancy.

The cramps somehow make me feel like everything is going well actually. Maybe I'd worry if I didn't feel anything going on in there. Today at work I felt something leak out down there. I thought maybe its a little bleeding but it was just CM. The boobs tingle with light pain sometimes and my body felt kind of blah after work. I took a rest then slept for about 4-5 hours.

My dreams have been more vivid since before my BFP.

TMI but when I have to make a bowel movement, I get scared if I have to push a bit hard.

My husband has been so supportive since he found out the great news. He made me a healthy lunch today and bought me an air filtration mask since there are a lot of smokers here in Japan.

I'm so excited for this first appointment. I'll receive most of my prenatal care here in Japan but we'll move to the States before the baby comes so I plan to deliver there. Prenatal vitamins don't seems to be so common here so we ordered some online. In the meantime, I try to eat foods with Folic Acid to help the baby's growth.


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