Tuesday, May 31, 2016

29 weeks 5 days

This week I have been experiencing swelling of the feet and ankles and from today I noticed that my ring doesn't come off of my finger very easily. My stomach feels noticeably heavy and MaxyPoo is back to moving all the time, haha. Sometimes, I think "Ok, ok, calm down." But the bigger part of me finds his kicking very reassuring that he is growing well inside my womb. :-)

From today, hubby moved the bed to arrange a better sleeping position. Now I use the wall as a headboard and pile up pillows and blankets and lean back on them so it feels more like I'm laying in a raised hospital bed--was quite comfy. When I tried it out, I fell asleep for 2 hours!

As for my diet, I still love water (now with ice!) and vegetables.

My tummy is so sore underneath, it's tender to the touch. It's extra sensitive when I'm rubbing my body lotion there.

I'm very happy to be 30 weeks this Thursday. And just 6 days until the next appointment!


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