28 weeks but almost 29!
We had another appt. yesterday. The baby is still doing very well. The doctor checked the baby's organs again and his lungs, heart, and stomach seems to be developing fine. And he's still head down for now...His weight was recorded at 1310kg or about 2.8lbs! Almost a 1 lb. increase in 2 weeks. I measured the area around my belly...110cm around now. My weight is 68.4kg now...150 lbs. So I also gained just one pound since the last appointment...seems the weight gain was just from the baby :-)
It's nice to be in the 3rd trimester. The tightness in my hands, feet, and ankles subsided mostly for now. But my belly feels so tight and at times it feels like my skin has stretched so thin that it could tear...feels really sensitive to the touch of my clothes. I'm consuming a lot more watery foods like cucumber, watermelon, celery, tomato, melon....and water.
I had a dream about our Maxwell the other night! I was breastfeeding him and he was doing really well with it and I was producing a lot of milk for him. I hope it's a good sign. And he looked so cute and was obedient...I wonder what he'll really look like when he's born... :)
I still have a bit more energy these days and try to clean something, do laundry, walk around, and be more active.
Next appointment is in 13 days. I will be 30 weeks. Here's hoping it comes quickly. Can't wait to see him again.
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