Saturday, February 27, 2016

16 weeks 2 days: Update...including New Doctor + Gender Reveal


So, we went with the name Monami Clementine instead of Kaede...but then, according to our recent ultrasounds, looks like we won't be needing a girls name anyway. Two different doctors said it looks like a boy! Told Victoria the news...she was so excited!!

Because the doctor we had was too far we had our last appt. Thursday and transferred to Nakano Ladies Clinic the next day. It's busier but cleaner, more professional, and ....we got freebies!

The doctor used the baby's head measurements to check growth and he was measuring at 16w5 days at 16 weeks and 1 day.

It seems I have gestational diabetes again and have to follow a diet plan with less sugar intake.

My belly is noticeable now. And I can feel a few pokes here and there throughout the day. At 15 weeks it was still a little hard to tell what was gas and what was baby. But now I can tell. Hubby can't feel from the outside just yet.

My pelvic area still hurts and its hard to turn in the bed. I try to keep a pillow between my legs most nights.

Urine still has a strange smell. I'm trying some cranberry pills but I'm not sure if they're working or not

Maybe for a week now most nausea and vomiting has subsided....still not a fan of dish detergent though so hubby still washes the dishes.

Bought/wearing some maternity wear...bras, panties, and sometimes pants.

Oh, I have stretch marks on my tummy! I didn't even notice them coming in. I can usually feel them itching in but these days I use a body cream after my showers so maybe my tummy has been so moisturized that I couldn't tell they were coming in.....?


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