Saturday, January 23, 2016

11 weeks 3 days, showing :)

This morning when I woke up I could feel my uterus pushing up against my lower tummy. I think it was the baby. Victoria did the same thing when I was 13 weeks with her!

I showed my sister my belly on Skype and she said Im definitely showing.

I took a look in the mirror and it looked so to me too.

Still drinking a lot of water. I dont really crave water when I'm not pregnant...Still get nauseous at the whiff of the sink, dish detergent, the floors(??!), some foods though, but finally pregnancy is starting to feel more real and enjoyable now that we can feel the uterus.

Found this online later today:

Body changes during 11th week of pregnancy

The uterus is now large enough to fill your entire pelvis while you may even be able to feel it in the lower abdomen area, just above the pubic bone [10]. Your hair may seem thicker and shinier while you may notice your nails growing at a faster pace than usual. These are some of the positive effects of the rising pregnancy hormone (progesterone) levels[11]. The hormones also increase the number of facial oil glands, which may lead to oily skin.

What does 11 weeks pregnant look like?

You may already have started to show a little, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. Women tend to start showing a bit earlier in their second pregnancies due to the already relaxed abdominal muscles 



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