Wednesday, January 20, 2016

11 weeks today

11 weeks

Starting my 10th week, I started to feel more pregnant, physically. My pelvic bone/area has been having a heaviness to it and sometimes it hurts a bit when I'm getting out of bed or just sitting on the sofa. When I went out a couple of days ago, I could feel a heaviness to my uterus while walking around at Kokubunji station.

I think my morning sickness/nauseousness is wearing down a bit since week 10. I still rest a lot as usual but the naps throughout the day have eased up a lot.

I don't feel any kicking yet, or flutters, or cruising motions.

I think I'm just starting to get a baby bump but its really hard to tell since I still have baby fat from Victoria. And I think anyone wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me yet that I'm pregnant.

Compared to the pregnancy with her, this one is going so SLOOOOOW.

We're not sure about the name Owen anymore....Well, if this is a boy, it's sure gonna be hard to come up with a name that we think can stick.


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